Absence requests

Registering or applying for leave is an individual setting for each account. If this feature is enabled at your workplace, please check with your manager for confirmation.

Guide for registering leave

  1. Open the app or log in via the web

    Launch the app on your mobile or log in to the web platform from your computer.

  2. Go to Mitt schema

    Navigate to Mitt schema tab to view your schedule and planned shifts.

  3. Click the plus icon on the day you will be absent

    Select the day for your leave request by clicking the plus icon (+) under the date.

  4. Select leave type

    Navigate to the Ansök om frånvaro tab and select the type of leave that applies (e.g., sickness, vacation, childcare).

  5. Enter a date range if your leave covers multiple days

    If you will be absent for more than one day, enter the start and end dates for your leave period.

  6. Add a comment - optional

    You can add a comment if you’d like to provide your manager with additional information about the leave. This is optional and will be visible to your manager along with your leave request.

  7. Select Skicka

    Click the button Skicka to submit your leave request. Your manager will receive a notification regarding your leave.

Your leave request is now submitted!

As long as your leave request is awaiting approval from your manager, the text Inväntar svar will be displayed. Once the request has been approved, your shift will appear as crossed out, confirming that the leave has been registered. Click on the pass or the plus icon for the day you have registered an absence request to make any changes.

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