Schedule and scheduling functions

Your schedule

On the homepage, you get a quick overview of your upcoming shifts. To see your full schedule, click on the calendar icon in the app or the My schedule tab on the website. If your workplace uses calculation periods for scheduling, you can view details such as reported time, scheduled time, and remaining work hours for the current calculation period by clicking on the information icon in the top right corner.

Subscribe to your Schedule

Click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the app and select Min profil. Here, you will find instructions for integrating your schedule with Apple or Google Calendar. You can also copy the URL and add it to most calendars to create an integration.

Registered Absence Displayed in the Schedule

Absence registered by your employer is shown in your schedule as a dashed shift. If the absence only applies to part of a shift, your working hours will be specified at the top of the shift, but the shift will remain dashed in color.

Requesting or Declining Available Shifts

Click on the calendar icon at the bottom to access your schedule. Here, you can switch between your own schedule, the staff schedule, and available shifts. If you are interested in working an available shift, click on the shift and select Önska pass. Your manager will then receive a notification that you have requested the shift. When the shift is filled, you will receive confirmation in the same way you were notified that the shift was available: via email, SMS, or a message in your employee login.

Indicating Availability

Note: The Indicate Availability feature is activated by each individual employer and may not be used at your workplace.

You can specify your availability for a day if you are not already scheduled. When you click on a day without a shift, you will see two options: Tillgänglig and ej tillgänglig. If you choose Tillgänglig, you can specify the times during the day that you are available for work. Please note that this is only a request - your manager can still schedule you, even if you have marked yourself as Ej tillgänglig.

Shift Swap

Note: The Shift Swap feature is activated by each individual employer and may not be used at your workplace.

You can swap a work shift by clicking on it and then selecting the option Byt bort pass. Here, you can specify which colleague you want to offer the shift to, and a request will be sent to that person. Your colleague can then accept or decline the request. In some cases, approval from a manager may also be required before the swap is updated in the schedule.

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